
Anastasia Pavlovic
Anastasia has a Bachelor of Arts in Indonesian and sociology from the University of Sydney. Previously she worked for Facebook in Singapore for five years, and she now works in business marketing at Google in Sydney.

Iona Main
Iona has been a member of CAUSINDY’s Executive Board since 2021 and was a conference delegate in 2016 (Bali) and 2019 (Darwin). She is a management consultant at Bain & Company based in New York, and loves staying connected and pursuing her passion for Australia-Indonesia relations via CAUSINDY.
Prior to Bain, Iona served as the political adviser at the Australian Consulate-General in New York and as a foreign policy adviser at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Canberra. She holds a Master of Public Affairs from Princeton University and a combined Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts from the University of Sydney.

Rio Afifuddin
Since early 2019, Rio has worked at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Jakarta. He oversees and monitors the implementation of two Australian development assistance programs on decentralised governance and knowledge to policy.
Rio hopes that the youth of Indonesia and Australia can continuously collaborate, foster friendships, and contribute to better and stronger bilateral relations. He also values volunteering as a means to give back to the community. In his spare time, he enjoys blogging, backpacking and cooking.

David Scholefield
David is an Engagement Partner for the College of Law, Arts and Social Sciences at Murdoch University. He is passionate about the transformative impact of tertiary education, and the enablement of students and their institutions to enrich society.
Indonesia, and the pursuit of engagement within the region has been a driving force in many aspects of his life since a high school exchange to Surabaya in 2010. Since then, David has lived and worked in Indonesia, represented Australia in the 35th Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program and is Deputy Member of the National Reference Group for ACICIS (Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies) David holds a Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies, Indonesian and Anthropology and speaks Bahasa Indonesia.