Here’s your go-to recap of the entire CAUSINDY 2023 conference.
CAUSINDY has returned with its first in-person conference in four years.
The 2023 conference, held in the student city of Yogyakarta, gathered 26 delegates, 5 mentors, 9 speakers, 17 CAUSINDY team members and a number of other special guests for four days of sessions centred around the theme of sustainable tourism.
Across panel discussions, rural excursions, networking opportunities and more, delegates explored current and potential sustainable tourism practices, why the concept has gained ground in recent years, and how the industry interconnects with other sectors.
Conference content
In many ways the centrepiece of the exchange of ideas at a CAUSINDY conference, panel discussions provide a forum for delegates to engage directly experts in their field. This year’s panel included:
- The Politics and Governance panel, which examined sustainable tourism through the lenses of governance, social economy and media.
- The Economics panel, which explored how the Indonesian government can place sustainable tourism in long-term planning as a facilitator of economic growth.
- The Environment panel, which brought together a professor in sustainable tourism, a founder of a rural community development foundation and an eco-hotel’s strategic marketing professional.
During separate excursions to two nearby sustainable tourism locations, Nglanggeran Village and the Bumi Langit Permaculture Institute, delegates heard about the ecotourism principles of local tourism providers, learned the basics of tempeh making, toured a chocolate product factory and more.
As part of the Engaging Future Leaders (EFL) Program, approximately 60 students from local secondary schools were invited to interact and engage in activities alongside CAUSINDY delegates, and ideated a solution to a selected sustainability challenge in Yogyakarta.
Delegates also attended social and networking activities, including a dinner hosted by the Australian Consortium of In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS), and a Gala Dinner organised by the Australia Global Alumni team in recognition of 70 years of Australian Scholarships in Indonesia.
For more information about of these activities, check out the following wrap-up articles:
The fourth day was fully dedicated to the CAUSINDY Review, where delegates were tasked with pitching a solution to a particular problem or challenge relating to sustainable tourism.
CAUSINDY will return, with information about future conferences to be announced.
The CAUSINDY Board and volunteer team wish to thank all delegates, mentors, speakers, partners, sponsors and supporters for their participation in and support for CAUSINDY, the 2023 conference and Australia-Indonesia bilateral relations.